Thursday 17 December 2015

University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo (東京大学 Tōkyō daigaku?), abbreviated as Todai (東大 Tōdai?),[3] is a analysis university amid in Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan. The university has 10 commonsense with a absolute of about 30,000 students, 2,100 of whom are foreign. Its 5 campuses are in Hongō, Komaba, Kashiwa, Shirokane and Nakano. It is the aboriginal of Japan's National Seven Universities.[4][5] It ranks as the accomplished in Asia and 21st in the apple according to the Bookish Ranking of Apple Universities 2014. The University of Tokyo is broadly advised to be the a lot of celebrated university in Japan.[6][7]The university was accountant by the Meiji government in 1877 beneath its accepted name by amalgamating beforehand government schools for anesthetic and Western learning. It was renamed "the Imperial University (帝國大學 Teikoku daigaku?)" in 1886, and again Tokyo Imperial University (東京帝國大學 Tōkyō teikoku daigaku?) in 1897 if the Imperial University arrangement was created. In September 1923, an convulsion and the afterward fires destroyed about 700,000 volumes of the Imperial University Library. The books absent included the Hoshino Library (星野文庫 Hoshino bunko?), a accumulating of about 10,000 books. The books were the above backing of Hoshino Hisashi afore acceptable allotment of the library of the university and were mainly about Chinese aesthetics and history.
In 1947, afterwards Japan's defeat in Apple War II, it re-assumed its aboriginal name. With the alpha of the new university arrangement in 1949, Todai swallowed up the above Aboriginal Higher School (today's Komaba campus) and the above Tokyo Higher School, which accordingly affected the assignment of teaching first- and second-year undergraduates, while the commonsense on Hongo capital campus took affliction of third- and fourth-year students.
Although the university was founded during the Meiji period, it has beforehand roots in the Astronomy Agency (天文方; 1684), Shoheizaka Study Office (昌平坂学問所; 1797), and the Western Books Adaptation Agency (蕃書和解御用; 1811). These institutions were government offices accustomed by the 徳川幕府 Tokugawa shogunate (1603–1867), and played an important role in the access and adaptation of books from Europe.
Kikuchi Dairoku, an important amount in Japanese education, served as admiral of Tokyo Imperial University.
For the 1964 Summer Olympics, the university hosted the active allocation of the avant-garde pentathlon event.
On 20 January 2012, Todai appear that it would about-face the alpha of its bookish year from April to September to adjust its agenda with the all-embracing standard. The about-face would be phased in over 5 years.
According to the Japan Times, the university had 1,282 advisers in February 2012. Of those, 58 were women.
In the abatement of 2012 and for the aboriginal time, the University of Tokyo started two undergraduate programs absolutely accomplished in English and geared against all-embracing acceptance — Programs in English at Komaba (PEAK) — the All-embracing Program on Japan in East Asia and the All-embracing Program on Environmental Sciences.


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